When a practice educator dedicates time to reflect with the student on the outcomes of the education on placement they are engaging in supervision with a student.  Supervision is a core element of practice placements and is a dedicated time for the student and educator to meet and reflect on placement learning and development.  When practice educators schedule, plan, and guide supervision sessions with students and these sessions are a positive learning experience the educator gains a greater understanding and appreciation of the students learning on placement. 

Video: Supervision Sessions With Students

How do I structure my student supervision sessions? How should my student prepare for supervision? How do I ensure both my student and I get the most out of supervision? Jodie Copely from the University of Queensland answers to these common questions...

Resources: Courtesy of Qld Health's Occupational Therapy Clinical Education Program (OTCEP), here are some tips and guides to support effective supervision sessions with students:

Tip Sheet: Learning Contracts and Plans.pdf

Tip Sheet: Student Supervision.pdf