Enabling quality practice education
The OTPEC-Q exists to actively promote a shared vision for the future of occupational therapy practice education and aims to provide strategic leadership for practice education.
The collaborative strives to meet the demand for quality practice education for students and to support innovation and research ensuring professional practice education reflects contemporary occupational therapy practice.
Aims and Outcomes
OTPEC-Q’s members are focussed on achieving the following outcomes:
For Practice educators:
Creation and promotion of practice education stories that demonstrate quality, passion and creativity in student placements with increased publicity amongst profession on practice education.
For employers/industry:
Collate resources that promote establishment of placements in new and non-traditional practice areas; highlight practice education as core business in service delivery
For universities:
Review understanding of year level expectations across university programs to facilitate student evaluation on placements
For the profession:
Engage with state and national groups to increase incentives for educators, influence policies and guidelines that relate to practice education and promote national forums for progressing practice education priorities