Here is where you will find a wide variety of advice, tips, suggestions and recommendations for student placements. If you are never supervised a student before, or are thinking about doing so after a long break, the Why Supervise a Student and Getting Started in Student Supervision sections are for you. There, you will discover the many benefits a student can bring to you, your role, your clients and your organisation.
The Placement Options and Models section shows how you can tailor a student placement to suit you. There is a wide variety of placement models to choose from, and you can negotiate specific and flexible arrangements to suit your need. If you are expecting a student on placement in the near future, the Preparing for Placement section, with its comprehensive student orientation content is a great place to start. Learn from those before you and build your own student orientation folder and process.
For more specific advice and information about how to run a successful student placement and promoting optimal student development, learning and contributions to your service – look towards the Essential Supervision Skills, Techniques and Suggestions. In there you will find invaluable advice and guidance about facilitating reflective practice and promoting the development of clinical reasoning on placement. Advice on student supervision, scaffolding student learning, and evaluating your student is also included in there.
And finally, we have included a short section about dealing with challenges on placement. Sometimes, despite our best efforts, things don't always go according to plan. For those times, we have guidance and advice for navigating and negotiating concerns on placement.
Use the navigation menu to the right to access all these fantastic resources!