2. Brainstorm the learning opportunities your facility can offer students

Include any projects, education, client-related work – including assessment and interventions, and professional and inter-personal learning opportunities. It can also be helpful to outline what you would expect the student to learn, achieve or demonstrate through this learning opportunity ie the learning objectives, and whom will be responsible for coordinating or overseeing the learning.

You may find the table in Worksheet 2.1: Student learning opportunities on offer helpful for documenting these learning opportunities.


Learning Opportunity Expectations of Student Staff/Department/Facility involved
Development of a client fact-sheet on managing at home following a total hip replacement.
  • Develop research skills on current approaches to rehabilitation and functional precautions following total hip replacement with respect to different surgical approaches.
  • Link functional implications of Total Hip Replacement with knowledge of condition by compiling factual educational material that is meaningful, functional and recovery focussed.
  • Practice professional interpersonal skills by consulting with relevant interdisciplinary staff
  • Design presentation and delivery of the educational material in format/s that is/are user-friendly, clientfocussed and culturally-relevant.
  • Develop evaluation skills regarding effectiveness of fact-sheet.
  • Develop confidence in self and Occupational Therapy profession by presenting fact-sheet to interdisciplinary staff
Can be completed with/by student


Once you have identified the learning expectations you have of the student, appropriate to course year level and University student placement objectives, you will find monitoring and evaluating learning outcomes and SPEF-R performance objectives much easier!