How to facilitate student learning on placements

You can facilitate the learning of students on placement by:

  • Brainstorming all possible learning opportunities available at the placement prior to the student arriving. Present these to the student to timetable whilst on placement.
  • Reviewing SPEF-R objectives and items prior to student arriving and during student orientation link the items to learning opportunities.
  • Requesting student to develop personal learning goals/objectives and link these with items on the SPEF-R.
  • Reviewing personal learning goals and achievement of learning opportunities in regular supervision times with students.
  • Preparing individual or group supervision worksheets on key topic areas for your placement. Request that students review and complete these prior to supervision with you so they are an active participant in the supervision sessions.
  • Requesting students to complete reflection worksheets or experiential learning diaries of major tasks on placement to enhance their reflective practice.
  • Requesting one of the university fieldwork team members at conduct an in-service on supporting student learning at your placement.
  • Gaining a copy of clinical education and clinical reasoning resources available from your local university fieldwork staff.
Student Perspectives on Optimising Learning on Placement

Skill Development on Placement

Hannah and Ryan are OT students at Australian Catholic University. Here, they discuss their recent collarative role-emerging placement experience at the Institute for Urban Indigenous Health (IUIH), including some of their tips and tricks for skill development. 


Maximising Learning on Placement

Australian Catholic University students Ryan and Hannah look back on their recent placement at IUIH, focusing on how they were able to take advantage of any opportunities available, and thus maximise their learning on placement.

Be sure to visit our practice education videos portal for a wide variety of strategies and advice about facilitating learning for your student on placement.