So you’re thinking of taking on a student for a clinical placement, but unsure where to start?

Well congratulations, because in expressing your interest, you have taken the first step toward the creation of a win-win-win learning experience for yourself and your work facility, the student and the University!

Pre-placement considerations for student clinical education is designed primarily for the Occupational Therapy practitioner who has made an expression of interest and who is:

  1. as yet undecided regarding readiness/ability to take on a student, and/or
  2. new to the clinical educator role and seeking support.

It provides preliminary considerations regarding your readiness to offer a student clinical placement and is complimentary to Part Two: Setting up and sustaining a positive student learning environment.

This pre-reading material aims to provide food for thought in exploring the benefits of having a student on placement at your work facility and in identifying what it is you need to do in order to set-up and effectively implement a positive student clinical experience. 

Once you have worked through the information, checklists and worksheets, you will have (hopefully) arrived at one of three decisions:

  1. Yes, I am willing to offer a student placement - how do I get started?
  2. Yes, I am willing to offer a student placement in the near future, however would like more time to access education and develop a positive learning environment. 
  3. Yes, I would like to offer a student placement in the future, however further time, consideration, collaboration and resources are needed in order to develop a positive learning environment.